
What to consider before accepting a Job offer.

As a fresh graduate and a job seeker, many factors to consider before taking up a particular job role. The high rate of unemployment in the country has made many job seekers so desperate in the search for jobs that they look past some key things to look out for before taking a specific role. Without a doubt, job hunting is not an easy process. It drains one, both emotionally and mentally but irrespective of that, one must do a background check on a role or the company before accepting the job. When you fail to run a background check on a company, it could be risky for your career. Wrong careers move could take you several steps behind. When looking for a job, the pay, the beautiful social media pictures, and the ambiance of the office are not the only things to pay attention to. It is important you also pay attention to opportunities for growth, work culture, training opportunities, the company’s reputation, etc. These will give you an insight into the kind of company you are transiting to. A bad company can make redundant a good talent and kill creativity, motivation, and zeal. That the offer is good does not make the company good to work in. Not all career move is worth it. Do some research before accepting the job. Here are some things to consider when accepting a job  Opportunity for growth  Getting a new job might be your priority right now no doubt, but you still need to think carefully about how it will impact your long-term career prospects. If you accept a job offer on impulse and it doesn’t work out, you might end up desperate to leave. And there is every possibility that you might repeat the same mistake causing your C.V to become littered. When employers look at your CV, it might make you look unreliable. It is essential to know what it would take for you to rise to the top in whatever organization you are about to take up a job with. During an interview, you will have the perfect chance to dig deeper into career opportunities. Be confident and upfront with your interviewer. You can ask the following question: Is the culture competitive? What happened to the last person in my position? Where would you expect me to be in five years? Even if progression is not important to you now, it might be later, so it is only a good idea to get a feel of the opportunities out there. The work culture of the job you are considering You might think the perfect job fits your skills, comes with the right salary, and offers you the best benefits, but the evaluation doesn’t end there. You have to study and understand the work culture of an organization you want to work with before accepting a role. You also need to consider the work environment before accepting an offer. What kind of people are you going to be working with? Some work environments are more suited to extroverts, others to introverts. Similarly, some work environments will require you to have good human relations skills as you will be dealing with a lot of people, while some just need you to get in, get the job done, and get out. Have you thought about whether you will fit into the environment? Are you sure you won’t end up spending your whole day avoiding people and giving thanks once it’s time to go home? Many people have quit jobs just because of the nature of the environment. “The job was boring”, “My colleagues were too withdrawn” and “The environment was not conducive”, are among the reasons that some people must give for quitting their jobs. Salary of the job you are accepting Another thing to take into consideration before accepting a job is the salary. An employer often provides this information to you when making the offer. It is important to assess the income your potential employer offers and compare it to your financial needs. You may be able to supplement an initial offer by negotiating a higher rate. Work-life balance Work-life balance is one of the questions you need to throw at your interviewer. This is because some companies have formed the habit of occasionally working late, making employees head to the office on a Saturday without any pay extra pay attached. Though working on this day can be essential especially if there is a project or a very delicate issue that needs to be resolved. But it is necessary not to make it mandatory for your employees every time, especially if it is not clearly stated in the theory job description. We all know that health is wealth so when taking a job, do a background check or even ask the interviewer if the company observes holidays, especially the one that is imposed by the government. How many days of annual leave can you take, and are you permitted to work remotely? Company’s reputation No one wants to join a company that might be closing in less than a year. You must read reviews on Google, the company site, company social media, or job sites to see what other people are saying about the firm. Though reviews are not always completely accurate. Nevertheless, the information will give you a clue about how the company is currently doing. How the company treats its customers and how employees view the company’s outlook. Finally, you must make sure that the company you want to join aligns with your values. Proximity It takes some people two hours or more to get to their offices. This is not ideal. According to experts, in accepting a job offer the location has to be considered. If you live far from your place of work, you are bound to spend a lot of money every month to get to work; this will diminish the amount you are left with to pay your bills and do other things. That is apart from

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Virtual Reality and How It Works

Virtual reality is the use of computer technology to create simulated environments. It enables a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment, it also allows a user to carry out actions in a digital environment, yet feel as if they are immersed in a physical environment. WHAT IS THE GOAL OF VIRTUAL REALITY? Virtual Reality is so broad its safe to say the developers have multiple goals. Depending on the nature of a VR project, the design team may have some or even all of these goals. Below are some of the common goals of virtual reality. Immersion The whole idea behind someone wearing a VR headset is to transport themselves to a simulated world that is even more engrossing than watching a movie or playing a game with surround sound. They want the fantasy in their heads of being a superhero or slaying a dragon to be fully realized through the simulation. VR developers work diligently to ensure every aspect is as immersive as possible. While this does involve making things more realistic in some cases, the real magic is in making the simulation believable. A person’s mind knows there is no dragon in front of them if they think about it, but a good VR experience will keep them too wrapped up in the stimuli around them to consider anything but the scene they have been transported to. Education and Learning There are also many educational opportunities opening up through the use of Virtual Reality Technology. Students can visit and even walk around digital recreations of historic places and events. Instead of just watching videos about Ancient Egypt, children could explore these spaces and learn at their own pace. Gaming can be added to these educational experiences but it isn’t required to provide students with a more enjoyable lesson. Healing and Confronting Mental Trauma One of the best ways to handle mental and emotional trauma is to confront it directly. Medical professionals have been using exposure therapy to help patients overcome their fears and even reduce symptoms of PTSD. By recreating the source of trauma in a safe virtual space, the patient can work through their issues by exploring them thoroughly. This goes to show just how far virtual reality can be taken outside the realm of games and entertainment. Specialized Job Training There are many jobs that require immense precision and accuracy. Occupations such as Surgeon are difficult to train for because of the delicate nature of the work. Virtual Reality can be used to train people for these roles without putting anyone’s life in danger. As virtual reality becomes more accessible, it is poised to change the job market considerably. Types of Virtual Reality Non-Immersive Virtual Reality: This category is often overlooked as VR simply because it’s so common. This type of VR refers to the virtual experience through a computer where you can control some characters or activities within the software, but the environment is not directly interacting with you. Video games are a prime example of non-immersive VR. Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality: This type of VR provides an experience partially based in a virtual environment. Using a computer screen or VR glasses, you can move around in a virtual environment but other than your visual experience you will have no physical sensations to enhance the experience. A virtual tour can be a good example of semi-immersive virtual technology. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality: On contrary to non-immersive virtual reality, a fully immersive virtual technology ensures that you have a realistic experience within the virtual world. It would feel as if you are physically present in the virtual world and the events occurring there are happening to you. Special equipment like VR glasses, gloves, body detectors equipped with sense detectors is required to provide a realistic virtual experience. One example could be a Virtual Shooter gaming zone where you will be equipped with the gears in a small room and you will be viewing a virtual world through the helmet where you are facing other shooters trying to kill you. Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality is a type of virtual reality that lets the user see the real world usually through a phone screen and make virtual changes to it on the screen. For example, through your mobile screen, you can view your room, and probably place a cartoon character in the corner. You will be able to see the character through your mobile screen and not in reality. Collaborative Virtual Reality: This a type of virtual reality where users from different locations can come together in a virtual environment in the form of 3D projected characters. For example, there is a video game called PUBG (Players Unknown Battle-Ground), where tons of players come to existence as individual virtual characters which they can control. Here they can interact with each other through microphones, headsets, and chatting.

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