
Add your custom email to the email app on Android and iOS

You can add your custom email to the email app on Android and iOS. This will help you access your emails directly on your phone. It will always request your username and password. This is a good idea if you put into consideration the fact that we some times need to treat a mail urgently. If a mail drops, you can get notified almost immediately. Some apps these days even provide quick action buttons like one for reply of a received mail, another for forwarding of email and more. You can also have a count of unread emails too. This will help you keep track of the emails you have delivered but have not read. With your Android and iOS device, you can add your custom email to the email app. Just follow the instructions in our knowledgebase here (Click to view). You can also watch a walkthrough below. Read about how Some iPhone battery drains completely at 50% here

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WhatsApp extends deadline

WhatsApp extends deadline for users over new update

WhatsApp extends deadline for users over new updates coming to the platform. Before now, the date was set for the 8th of February, 2021. Now it has been extended to 15 May 2021. A lot of users got worried and a new started spreading how it is not a good idea to allow Facebook to have access to your data, the way they intended to. Even some suggested alternatives like Signal and Telegram. Click here to read about SSL and its advantages. WhatsApp ensured the safety of users\’ data and underlined the use of encryption (end-to-end) on the platform. What is shared are: Phone number and other information (like your name) information about your phone, including make, model, and mobile company Your IP address Any payments and financial transactions MADE WITH WHATSAPP This update won\’t affect those in Europe and the UK due to their laws. It\’s good to know that WhatsApp extends deadline just as a lot of users air their views. This shows the operators are listening and have given enough time for users to accept or decline. Click here to read more about this story on BBC Pidgin or on Digit  

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Mobile Application Companies

What is a mobile app company like Krustylab?

A mobile app company | What it entails. A mobile app company like Krustylab is not just a building but a group of developers. We chose to deliver affordable yet reliable IT and ICT services in Abuja, Nigeria. Our skilled mobile developers are very important. We come together to create apps that have different purposes and for different audiences. What is a mobile app? A mobile app like Krustylab mobile is basically a software application. It\’s designed and developed specifically for use on small, wireless computing devices like smartphones and tablets, not desktop or laptops. These apps were designed, putting in mind the demands and limits of devices, taking advantages of any special function they have. What about a mobile company? A mobile app company like Krustylab is an app company that provides services according to your demand. We have developers that have your best interest at heart and also aim at solving your challenges with every app developed. There are many mobile app companies in Abuja, that fulfil what a company like Krustylab have. Likewise we have companies that do not meet up to those companies should entail. Read up the solutions mobile app companies have provided here

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Mobile Application Companies

Bringing solutions through a mobile app company

Solutions Mobile app provides Mobile app company solutions to the world is so much more than we can quantify. Having a phone that just makes calls and text messages in this day and time can be very boring. What gives life to phones are the apps in it, which has been developed by mobile app companies. Mobile Applications are applications developed to solve issues. Most applications one search for on play store always have a solution to almost everything under the face of this earth. Areas in our lives that we need mobile app company solutions Personal lives:  Relationships: Not being able to communicate with loved ones and share details about your daily activities. Lost friendships and this causes one to be lonely. Mobile app solutions: It has created an application that removes distance as a barrier to relationships. It makes the world smaller and it can be very interactive with the help of posting of pictures, sending audio or videos and doing voice or video calls. Communication and communication with loved ones is made easy. Transport and safety: Moving from one place to another and being sure you would arrive safe or being able to let your family know your whereabouts  Mobile apps company solutions: With various mobile apps one can order for transport and send the details of the trip to loved ones and even pay online. Shopping and personal development : looking for books or write ups to build your emotional, mental and Spiritual life. Or not being able to buy things because of Covid19. Mobile app company solutions: Most apps provides you the free will to search for whatever you need, at the comfort of your homes, watching Church services online, reading books, apps that help with self growth. Even buying all you want which can be delivered to you at home or where every you may be. Business Lives: In the COVID 19 period, businesses had to shut down, conferences and other activities. Mobile app company solutions: Apps provided more value to customers, build stronger, connect more with customers and boost profits. Even with the lock down, we still conduct business and conferences. Everything went air borne for that time and people went on with their normal lives. Mobile app companies have successfully brought solutions to daily problems, because technology keeps advancing every second.  This are some mobile app solutions. So get on a play store and get busy. Click here to find companies that develop apps to solve problems.

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