
Hackers exploit websites

Hackers exploit websites to give them excellent SEO

There are various ways hackers exploit websites. One of the methods is to utilize search engine optimization (SEO) methods and skills to deploy tons of malware to as many victims as possible. Sophos, reported that the \”deoptimization\” through SEO includes a few SEO tricks and the abuse of human psychology to push websites that may have been compromised and taken up Google\’s ranking. SEO can be used by webmasters to properly increase the exposure of their website on search engines like Google, Bing, Ask, etc. Click this link to read about SSL certificates and their advantages. However, it has become clear some webmasters tweak their Content Management System (CMS) to serve some form of financial malware, exploits, and even ransomware. In a blog post on Monday, the cybersecurity team said the technique, dubbed \”Gootloader,\” involves deployment of the infection framework for the Gootkit Remote Access Trojan (RAT) This malware is one that also delivers a variety of other malware payloads. So the way hackers exploit websites is the use of SEO as a technique to deploy Gootkit RAT is not a small operation. The researchers estimate that a network of servers — 400, if not more — must be maintained at any given time for success. An example of how a user can be infected is a fake forum post that will then be displayed containing an apparent answer to the query, as well as a direct download link. In one example discussed by the Sophos team, the website of a legitimate neonatal clinic was compromised to show fake answers to questions relating to real estate.   Victims who click on the direct download links will receive a .zip archive file, named in relation to the search term, that contains a .js file. The .js file executes, runs in memory, and obfuscated code is then decrypted to call other payloads. According to Sophos, the technique is being used to spread the Gootkit banking Trojan, Kronos, Cobalt Strike, and REvil ransomware, among other malware variants, in South Korea, Germany, France, and the United States. \”At several points, it\’s possible that Hackers exploit websites using these techniques and end-users can avoid the infection if they recognize the signs,\” the researchers say. \”The problem is that, even trained people can easily be fooled by the chain of social engineering tricks Gootloader\’s creators use. Script blockers like NoScript for Firefox could help a cautious web surfer remain safe by preventing the initial replacement of the hacked web page to happen, but not everyone uses those tools.\”  

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WhatsApp extends deadline

WhatsApp extends deadline for users over new update

WhatsApp extends deadline for users over new updates coming to the platform. Before now, the date was set for the 8th of February, 2021. Now it has been extended to 15 May 2021. A lot of users got worried and a new started spreading how it is not a good idea to allow Facebook to have access to your data, the way they intended to. Even some suggested alternatives like Signal and Telegram. Click here to read about SSL and its advantages. WhatsApp ensured the safety of users\’ data and underlined the use of encryption (end-to-end) on the platform. What is shared are: Phone number and other information (like your name) information about your phone, including make, model, and mobile company Your IP address Any payments and financial transactions MADE WITH WHATSAPP This update won\’t affect those in Europe and the UK due to their laws. It\’s good to know that WhatsApp extends deadline just as a lot of users air their views. This shows the operators are listening and have given enough time for users to accept or decline. Click here to read more about this story on BBC Pidgin or on Digit  

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ssl | https

Differences between HTTPS and HTTP?

HTTPS vs HTTP: Differences between the both. HTTP and HTTPS basically allows for the communication between different systems. It is normally used to move information from a web server to a program so as to permit clients to see website pages. There are a few differences between the both of them: DATA ENCRYPTION: With HTTP, there is no data encryption as sensitive data traveling through the website from a server to the client without SSL becomes vulnerable. This makes it easy for hackers man-in-the-middle to intercept the traffic en route to its destination to steal sensitive information. Whereas, with HTTPS all lines between the web servers and the client are secured using SSL to guard against hackers stealing information for websites such as: Account details, login details and passwords. PROTOCOL AND PORT OF OPERATION HTTP operates at the TCP/IP layer of the OSI model and sends data over port 80. While HTTPS does not have a separate protocol as it operates using HTTP but the difference is that it uses encrypted SSL/TLS for connections and on port 443. Click here to read more on why ports 80 and 443 were assigned to HTTP and HTTPS respectively. SEO RANKING HTTP does not improve the search engine ranking of the website whereas HTTPS helps to improve the search engine ranking as announced by google

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ssl | https

Cheap SSL/TLS certificates

More about cheap SSL/TLS certificates and how it works Cheap SSL/TLS certificates are highly in demand because of our love for free things. But first, because we are talking about SSL/TLS, we should know what SSL/TLS certificates are. So What is SSL/TLS certificates? SSL testaments support a mixed relationship between a program and a web server while furthermore affirming the character of the website that has the cert. With a SSL/TLS authentications, It\’s basic to review that the end-customer is the one visiting the site, notwithstanding, they are not just the individual who has the confirmation that has a spot with the association working the site. Learn about these types of certificates here Consider a SSL/TLS authentications as a driver\’s license of sorts—it serves two limits. It grants authorisations to use encoded correspondence by methods for Public Key Infrastructure and besides confirms the character of the confirmation\’s holder. How normal SSL/TLS certificates and cheap SSL/TLS certificates How do SSL/TLS certificates work? The web server sends the program/server a duplicate of its SSL testament. The program/server verifies whether it believes the SSL testament. Provided that this is true, it makes an impression on the web server. The web server sends back a carefully marked affirmation to begin a SSL encoded meeting. How does a cheap SSL/TLS certificates work? It\’s basic to perceive how your confirmation capacities. This is a clear explanation of how everything happens: the guest \’s PC demands a safe SSL affiliation, the server will give modest SSL/TLS declarations, and an open key fortification. The PC sends an encoded key to the server, the server disentangles it and develops an ensured affiliation. This system guarantees that there is no room left for a \”man in the inside\”. All the data is safely unscrambled particularly for the proposed parties. Clear, present day, and safe. Some cheap SSL/TLS certificates? Thawte SSL Web Server. Thawte SSL Web Server. Buy on … Comodo Multi-Domain SSL. Comodo Multi-Domain SSL. Buy on … Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard. Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard. Buy on … GeoTrust True BusinessID. GeoTrust. … Network Solutions Basic. Network Solutions Basic. Read about web design here click here

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ssl | https

Why SSL is important | Six reasons you should have it on your website

SSL is very important tool in any website. SSL has many reasons why it should be on a website, so before we know the reason we should know what SSL is like first. What is SSL SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Socket Layer. A kind of computerized security that permits scrambled correspondence between a site and an internet browser. The innovation is right now censured and has been supplanted altogether by TLS. Another definition can be: Secure Sockets Layer is a standard security transformation for building up a scrambled connection between a server and a customer—commonly a web server (site) and a program, or a mail server and a mail customer (e.g., Outlook). The objective of Secure Sockets Layer is to make it protected and secure to transmit delicate data including individual information, installment, or login data. Secure Sockets Layer is important on a website, below are listed reasons why: Brand Credibility: At the point when exchanges are included nothing alarms a client more than the possibility that they are undependable. The basic, shot confirmation arrangement – modest SSL. Site Security: Security first Secure Sockets Layer permits you to encode all the information between a guest and the server. Great secret language ensures that each bundle is unreachable. High Website optimisation positioning: Coordinating SSL is the straightest method to boosting your positioning! Increment in rush hour gridlock and deals: It offers a precious expression to your crowd. it doesn\’t need to be long on an unbound site. So make the clear speculation that will give an immense rate of return. Identification of Praises: Maintain a strategic distance from the huge red imprint by putting into your picture with modest Secure Sockets Layer affirmation. Assurance from digital wrongdoing: Defeat genuine action and humiliations by guaranteeing you secure yourself and your customers. Not all introduction is adequate presentation. Stay alert. So another Purpose of utilising SSL Certificates. It is the foundation of our safe Internet and it ensures your delicate data as it traversed the world\’s PC systems. SSL is basic for ensuring your site, regardless of whether it doesn\’t deal with touchy data like charge cards. So What\’s The Big Deal With SSL All Of A Sudden? While these favourable circumstances might not have been large enough purposes behind you to add a SSL Certificate to your site beforehand, like a noteworthy Google Chrome update ought to be sufficient for you to add SSL to your site. Starting in July 2018, Google Chrome will check all HTTP locales as \”not secure\”. At the end of the day, on the off chance that you don\’t have a SSL Certificate for your site, the program bar in Chrome will say your site isn\’t secure. Read more about SSL here With this few points, you see why it is important to have Secure Sockets Layer on a websites. Click here to check out SSL certificates and its advantages.

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ssl | https

SSL Certificates and its advantages

Why is SSL certificates important on your website? SSL certificates are a type of digital certificate which guarantees encryption of communication between web browsers and web servers. Here are some reasons why SSL is a necessity on websites. SSL Improves Customer Trust One advantage of buying SSL certificates for your website is that it helps to build clients trust. One can depend on solid protection to ensure client security with SSL as all correspondence among guests of the website will be completely protected. For instance, the verification procedure is a lot of like inserting a letter in an envelope before sending it through the mail. SSL Affirms Your Identity Also, purchasing a certificate helps clients feel safe when the website is visited. The encryption comes with a seal from the largest Certificate Authority (CA) in the world. The browser padlock shows the user they are safe on the website. There are different types of SSL certificates Domain validation: This SSL declaration approves just the space name of the association and the least confirmed SSL endorsement type as it doesn\’t contain any close to home or organisation data. Organisation validation: Because by default, it contains the company name and address, it therefore shows that the organisation is real as well as their website and phone number. Extended validation: This provides the highest level of user trust therefore this can only be applied for by an employee who has the authority to sign the agreement and a certificate request. Boosted SEO Ranking on Google Google announced in 2014 that having SSL Certificates on sites gives an upper hand to HTTPS over HTTP websites. Hence the addition of an algorithm by Google to its browser for more info click here Encryption SSL certificates helps to guard sensitive information such as passwords, logins, bank details and cardholders information on websites the perform E-commerce activities during communication. The fundamental thought is that all data is encoded before being submitted, and just the web server and site guest have individual keys to decode and remember it. Encryption prevents listening covertly and adjusting of information by programmers and character criminals. Read more on SSL here

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