Add your custom email to the email app on Android and iOS
You can add your custom email to the email app on Android and iOS. This will help you access your emails directly on your phone. It will always request your username and password. This is a good idea if you put into consideration the fact that we some times need to treat a mail urgently. If a mail drops, you can get notified almost immediately. Some apps these days even provide quick action buttons like one for reply of a received mail, another for forwarding of email and more. You can also have a count of unread emails too. This will help you keep track of the emails you have delivered but have not read. With your Android and iOS device, you can add your custom email to the email app. Just follow the instructions in our knowledgebase here (Click to view). You can also watch a walkthrough below. Read about how Some iPhone battery drains completely at 50% here
Add your custom email to the email app on Android and iOS Read More »