GTB Fingerprint withdrawal from cash ATMs

GTB Fingerprint withdrawal from GTBank ATMs across the nation is a bold step in the right direction by GTB.

Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), a leading banking company in Nigeria has launched a service that will change ATM cash withdrawals in Nigeria. Learn more about GTB here.

Guaranty Trust Bank plc also known as GTBank or simply GTB is a Nigerian multinational financial institution, that offers online/internet banking and more.

What is the GTBank Fingerprint cash withdrawal system?

The GTBank Fingerprint cash withdrawal system is a way of making withdrawals from GTB designated ATMs around Nigeria with just your fingerprint. You don\’t have to use your ATM card to make withdrawals from the ATMs anymore.

Now, you do not always have to be with your ATM card, people who need quick cash from ATMs can take advantage of this new service.


I will be so glad if any bank ie GTB takes the initiative and introduce cash deposits via ATMs too.

How do you use the GTBank Fingerprint cash withdrawal system?

The thing about this is that it is easy to use and works fast. I just love it. Here\’s how it works in 4 simple steps:

  1. Visit any GTBank ATM
  2. Select Fingerprint Option
  3. Enter your phone number and amount
  4. Collect your cash

Don\’t worry, you can simply press any button on the ATM to start.

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You can try it whenever you can. It\’s a good and the right step in the right direction from Guaranty Trust Bank. Big ups.

If you have any comment, question or suggestion, please put it in the comment section below. Thanks.

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