Author name: David Woko

5 ways to Increase Your Website’s Traffic

There are over 40,000 search queries made on Google every second, learning how to increase your website traffic is beneficial if you want to be seen on a lot of these queries. It’s just amazing how many people are searching for different things on google daily. One can even watch the searches in real time. Many businesses struggle to find new and innovative ways to increase website traffic. There’s a lot of misinformation online about how to attract more visitors, which can lead to using the same tired strategies over and over and not seeing positive results. Today, we are bringing to you 5 tested and trusted ways to gain increase your website traffic organically(without paying for ads). 1. INCREASE WEB TRAFFIC WITH SEO Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to attracting visitors to your site. On-page SEO may be the single greatest factor in determining where your website ends up in the SERPs (search engine results pages). The higher up the SERP you are, the more likely Google surfers are to click through to your site.  Make sure each of the page elements — including title, h1 or header, meta description, alt-text and URL — are keyword-rich and focused on the user intent of the page.  The actual content on your site is also a significant factor in how you’ll rank in the SERPs. Always include relevant keywords in your content. Keywords should be used naturally, not stuffed into the content so much that they detract from the main idea or distract the reader. (Remember, when it comes to content, quality trumps keyword quantity.)  Pro Tip: To conduct keyword research, you can use tools like Moz, Ahrefs and SEMrush. These sites show what keywords competitors are using, how often people search for keywords, how expensive the keyword is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords and much more valuable information to guide keyword strategy.  Hiring an SEO agency is always an option too, as they can offer valuable insights and perform audits to identify issues that may be keeping your site from being shown in SERPs. 2. Create Awesome Content Not only does awesome (relevant, meaty, juicy) content increase your SERP rankings, but it’s also good for keeping visitors engaged once they click through to your site.  Creating content for your website regularly is very important in ranking on SEO as well as establishing yourself and your company as an authority in your business niche. It is not really enough to build and have a website, you also need to manage it or hire a company to manage it for you by creating relevant content that will be beneficial to audiences in your industry or niche. When users and potential leads have a problem they need to be solved, guess where they go, GOOGLE! And inshallah your website’s content (blog post, youtube video, etc) ranks on the first page. It will be very to convert this lead to a potential client or customer. They will even reach out to your first! Pro Tip: Brands (especially B2B companies) are increasingly using video to offer insights into who they are and what they do best. Adding video to your landing page and embedding it in blog posts increases visibility on Google and encourages visitors to stay on your site longer.  3. USE SOCIAL MEDIA The average adult spends 147 minutes per day on social media. Businesses that know how to leverage the power of this captive (albeit distracted) audience have the opportunity to foster brand awareness, affinity and loyalty. And, of course, draw more website traffic.  The key to social media is to be authentic. It can be tempting to jump on every trend and fad, but savvy scrollers see right through that and aren’t impressed. If it doesn’t fit with your brand — it’s not true to who you are — it’s not for you.  Here are a few social ideas to get you started:  4. Use Advertising to Increase Web Traffic While organic search is still better to increase website traffic (about 5.66% better than paid), paid advertising like pay-per-click (PPC) and social media ads can help you connect with a larger audience while targeting your ideal customer.  When used together as part of a content-driven digital marketing strategy, organic and paid search dominate website traffic. In fact, combined paid and organic search earn about 76% of total traffic for B2B companies.  Keep Reading: How to Run PPC Ads as Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy 5. Exchange Backlinks There are a bunch of benefits of backlinking for your business. Among them are greater SERP ranking and increased visibility. One study found that the top search results in Google had 3.8 times more backlinks than those in the No. 2 through No. 10 positions.  Backlinks can come in the form of directory listings, but the best way to start earning backlinks is to produce top-notch, evergreen content that adds value to your niche market. Then, reach out to others in the industry and ask them to share. To add an extra incentive, you can propose a mutually beneficial backlink exchange by offering to add one of their links to a post of yours as well. That’s exactly what we did for one of our clients, Rainbow Muffler & Brake. We created a blog post for them called, “The Essential Road Trip Checklist for Your Car.” We then found relevant websites through Pitchbox and reached out to those sites to see if they wanted to promote our post.

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web or mobile app

Web App or Mobile App: Which does your business need

Web or mobile App – which is just right for your business? Is a mobile app better than a web app? Are you having such questions constantly lingering in your mind? Then, rest assured you are not alone in this debate. A lot of users and developers are going to have an opinion about which to use for your business. But at the end of the day, all you can do is analyze the facts and then choose which one suits your business. Since you alone best knows what your business needs. Whichever you choose, you have to first understand the benefits of web and mobile apps. This is crucial to understand first before making the big choice between a web and mobile app for your business. For mobile Apps, below are some astonishing facts about them. Nearly 90% of mobile internet time is spent on apps. (eMarketer) Most users have more than 10 apps installed on their phones. (Statista) 21% of millennials say they open their apps more than 50 times per day. (The Manifest) From the data above, we can see that man’s new best friend is his mobile phone. So one can understand why the mobile app industry has increased over recent years, generating over $156 billion in revenue in 2022. That is not it. On the other hand, the web apps are also performing well and are giving a lot of advantages to their users. Web apps on the other hand, are also amazing in their own right. There are a lot of advantages they provide their users. Which includes but not limited to: Web apps update by themselves and do not require manual intervention. Web apps can be used on all platforms – Mac, Windows, Linux, etc. Web-based applications are Internet-accessed apps. They are accessed through the mobile’s web browser. Hence, you do not need to download or install them. To help you better make the choice between a web app or mobile app for your business, you have to first know their differences. Web App or Mobile App: What Is The Difference? Most people think that mobile Apps and web apps are similar. But they are not. They are two very different technologies. The differences are not just for the end-users but also the developers. One must first understand that a website and a web app are two very different things, as was pointed out extensively in this article. Mobile App Vs. Web App Native mobile apps are designed for a specific platform like Android for Google, Samsung, Moto devices, or iOS for the Apple iPhone. They must be downloaded and installed via an app store and should be given access to the system’s resources like camera, GPS, notifications, etc. Mobile apps reside on the device itself. Big tech companies like Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Instagram etc. Have a web App and also a mobile App version of their services. This is because these companies understand that having a mobile version of their web app is good for retaining their users worldwide, as these users have a piece of their business in their most private place (their mobile phones of course!). Web apps are accessed via an internet browser. Their design is made to fit into whatever device it is being viewed on(they are responsive). Since these apps are hosted on a server online and any device with an internet connection can access them. This eliminates the nightmare of building the same of for different platforms (Android and IOS). If you choose to use a web app for your business, you have to know a few things. A web App can only be accessed with an internet connection, as it cannot work offline. This can make them a bit slower than a mobile app. But then with a mobile App, you need to update them manually while web apps update automatically Benefits Of A Mobile App 1. Personalization Personalization is one of the most important benefits of using a mobile application when compared to a web app. Mobile apps can be customized according to the user’s needs and preferences to use the application. Mobile apps allow users to save their data, adjust setting preferences, and share media files on their social media accounts easily. The specialized features, functionalities, ease of use, and sophistication will enhance the user’s experience of the business. 2. Convenience Mobile apps are so profoundly convenient that people can shop, order foods, purchase anything from the comfort of their homes. Thanks to e-Commerce apps. Mobile apps load quickly, provide a great user experience, navigates faster, and it is easy to use. What more could convenience mean. It tends to people of all generations. Mobile apps are revolutionizing the healthcare practices, political sector, and entertainment industry, and financial sectors in unimaginable ways. 3. Supports Online And Offline The key feature of a mobile app is it can be used offline. The details can be synced later if needed. The mobile apps are revolutionary, one of the main reasons for gaining traction. Users do not need to fret about not having an internet connection. All they require is a battery backup. AI technology plays a great role in mobile app development for a great future. 4. Faster than web apps Mobile applications are relatively faster than web apps. Quicker connectivity is one of the main reasons why people prefer mobile apps over websites and web apps. Every time, a user loads a mobile app, the data is stored on the device locally, and it makes information accessible without any hassle. 5. Secure Mobile apps are highly secured. They integrate with the device’s current security features to give improved security to the users. Safe access and information sharing involve a high deal of security in smartphones. Demerits Of Mobile Apps 1. Maintenance and Support Mobile apps need to be updated every time an update is released. Regular bug fixes and update is mandatory to experience the improved version of the mobile app. The update

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5 best Hosting Companies to use for Your Website

Getting a Website for your business or blog is one of the best decisions an entrepreneur can make. When it comes to getting that website, the hosting company you choose can be the difference between a really good site and a crappy one. When choosing the hosting company to use for your site, there are various factors to consider. Now, the best hosting companies should offer fast and reliable servers that ensures your website is accessible on the web always and on time. With these factors in mind, I have compiled a list of the 5 best hosting companies to use for your website. Be it a business website or a blog. 1. Hostinger Hostinger is the best hosting services provider if you are looking for a fast and reliable hosting at an affordable price. You get cheap hosting starting at starting for as low as $1.39 per month if you are paying for multiple months. Hostinger is the hosting company to go with if you are looking for a fast and reliable hosting at an affordable price. From the image above, you can see their lowest prices starts at $1.39 per month. Usually, I advise my Clients to go with the second option. As it comes with a free domain name, and you can host up to 100 websites with it. But all in all, there prices are really good for small businesses and individuals. I know because this website is hosted with them. One great thing about Hostinger is that you get free SSL from Let’s Encrypt for one site built-in into the plan even for the entry level plan. You get weekly backup for the entry plans and daily backup for the most premium plan. To work with them, you can visit their website 2. Bluehost Bluehost is one of the best hosting companies to use for your website. From the image below, their pricing starts at $2.95 per month ($9.99 after the first term). The shared hosting plan (the cheapest) is great for an average website or blog. If you want to host multiple sites or have more scalability, go for the Managed WordPress plan. Bluehost is actually one of the most popular hosting companies in the world. So using them for your website is a good choice, especially if good customer service is something you care about. 3. HostGator Whenever Hosting companies in the world are being mentioned, HostGator usually comes up. This is because they have been around for a while, and services over 10 million domains. One can say they are the most popular hosting company in the world. And one will be right. They offer a wide-range of plans from standard hosting, WordPress Cloud Hosting, which is a managed WordPress Hosting optimised for WordPress, and VPS and Dedicated Servers. One thing HostGator is very popular for is their cloud hosting, which is one of the best in the world. It is also very affordable compared to others. Their hosting plan as seen below shows their prices start at $2.75 per month. which is very cheap and affordable considering all the perks that come with it. 4. GoDaddy GoDaddy is also one of the best hosting companies you can use for your website. They offer one of the best web hosting services promising 99.9% uptime. Price starts at $2.99 per month (12 months contract) for the first term for the entry level plan and $8.99 per month when you renew. GoDaddy also offers over 150 apps to enable you build your website, blog or forum. 5. SiteGround These guys offer one of the best for WordPress. This hosting company provides you with fast, secure and fully optimized WordPress sites. Most WordPress developers love working with them. Their price starts at $9.95 per month to up to $29.95 per month for the top of the line plan. Like most hosting plans, you pay a discounted rate for the first term. Conclusion This Article carefully outlines 5 best hosting companies to use for your website. Their prices may differ but you can’t go wrong with any of them. As they have been tried, tested and trusted by many businesses worldwide. If you are a Nigerian looking for the cheapest Hosting Company in your country, check out this Article to get to know the best hosting companies in Nigeria. Most of them are very cheap and reliable for your business or blog.

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